Eno Hammock

Where It Gets Emotional

If you missed Part One or Part Two, make sure to check them out!

I started to think a lot of my symptoms were rooted in prior trauma.  Some say genetics load the gun in predisposing you to different symptoms/diseases and that stress pulls the trigger. This probably makes a sense if you think about the times you have been sick. At least for me, times of stress (emotional, physical, chemical) have been followed by feeling rundown or getting sick.

In these situations I have generally resorted to talk therapy. I spent a few months going weekly to my therapist until I was let go from my job and insurance no longer covered the sessions. Walking out of my last appointment I didn’t feel like I had covered as much ground as I hoped. I realized while I had done a lot of crying about my problems, I still was troubled. It felt like I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong.

I had heard of the benefits of alternative types of trauma therapy, but did not know anyone who had explored these. I found all of the resources I could on breath work, meditation, vagus nerve stimulation, and energy healing.

My love for vinyasa yoga developed in 2018 when I was working long hours, but classes at the YMCA were the extent of my knowledge. I started to explore the slow flow yoga and meditation classes on my Peloton app and with practice I began to feel a little more at peace.

I was able to control my anxiety more and more with just implementing mindfulness. I began to incorporate different types of breathwork in times where I wasn’t able to fully commit to a yoga or meditation practice. One great thing about breathwork is that it can be done anywhere. I can think of several times where learning how to breathe through something took my anxiety level from a 10 to a 5 in just a few minutes.

I was scrolling on Instagram one day and came across a type of energy healing called The Emotion Code. I began following an account that seemed to be tagged over and over in testimonials of people claiming they were releasing emotional trauma. I was skeptical, but followed the account.  After a few weeks and some googling, I figured, what do I have to lose? It was noninvasive and simple. It seemed a bit “woo-hoo”, but people all over the world claimed it worked. It was also significantly less expensive than a session with my therapist.

In August, I booked my first session with Diana from Love And Light Squared over facetime. She was able to explain the process in a way that made me feel comfortable.

Essentially, everything is made up of energy. Every cell in our body is vibrating at a specific frequency. Have you ever noticed when someone who is very upset enters a room it changes the energy? And what about the opposite…when someone who is very happy enters a room it seems to lift the mood.

Well, positive emotions vibrate at a high frequency, while negative emotions vibrate at a lower frequency. As we go through life we experience all that life has to offer, and sometimes this includes trauma. Our body does its best in that moment to process the emotions, but sometimes as a protective mechanism we are not able to let it go. This causes the emotion to get trapped, which may be best for us in that moment. Then, we begin to vibrate at a lower frequency due to the negative emotion we are holding onto. Over time, if the emotion is not released, we can begin to experience different things depending on how it manifests.

Talk therapy can certainly help us, but it is focused on our conscious mind. The Emotion Code therapy focuses on our subconscious mind, which is thought to make up roughly 75% of our brain activity. This is the part of our brain that does all of the things for us that we don’t have to think about, like pumping our heart. We can think we have released everything from a trauma, but subconsciously still be holding onto it.

Queue the term, emotional baggage.

During the first session I was able to release 9 emotions. Some of these were inherited (yes, our parents can pass emotions to us) and some of these were my own. The beauty of this type of therapy is that you don’t have to talk about the trauma. Your subconscious knows it is ready to be released. And so it is.

Many times, the emotions can be connected to a specific age and life event. In my first session, I released emotions connected to moving cross country as a child, someone in my life who experienced addiction, and attending a boarding school for my high school years. In the moment I did feel a sense of freedom, but it was in the days afterwards where I experienced mental clarity, less anxiety, and a decrease in symptoms. I was in shock, it truly worked!

Over the course of 6 months of sessions, I saw my vibration raise. I was happier, lighter, and started to feel free. Things that used to bother me came and went without me noticing.

In fact, I am still seeing benefits of implementing The Emotion Code into my life. The writing of this post is timely. Last week was tough for me emotionally and I was able to release the following emotions: grief, betrayal, and feeling forlorn. I was also able to connect these to specific life events that I’m choosing not to detail here.

The beauty of this therapy is that you can actually perform it on yourself and your family members (with permission of course). In May of this year, I rented The Emotion Code book from the public library and learned so much about how and why it works and also how to do it on myself.  After several months of releasing trapped emotions, I’m still releasing a lot with each session.

This just shows how much we can truly be holding onto without knowing it. After doing my best to explain it, this is one of those phenomenon that at the end of the day I just have to tell people, “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it”. After a lifetime of bottling things up, it’s a blessing to have this added to my toolbox.

If you are interested in The Emotion Code, I suggest reading the book like I did. I was even able to rent it from my local public library! If you are interested in finding a practitioner near you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Contact me here or email hello.penny.health@gmail.com